eBRC: Important Documents to claim Export Incentives
An eBRC (Electronic Bank Realisation Certificate) is an extremely important digital certificate for those involved in the export business. It is issued by a bank as confirmation that the exporter has acquired payment from the buyer against the export of products or services. This post-shipment Export Document is one of the important documents. In simple terms, an eBRC is proof of export. An exporter needs an eBRC in order to take advantage of the various export incentives provided by the government. The DGFT additionally implements the eBRC platform, which lets in banks to electronically add to the DGFT server all overseas exchange realisation-associated statistics associated with exports. This information is transmitted via a digital certificate i.e eBRC. Banks issue/upload the Bank Realisation Certificate (BRC) based on the completion of the payment. Any organization claiming Export incentives under Foreign Trade Policy is needed to connect legitimate e-BRC as evidence of the re...